
Leadership, however you dress it up, has to be done intelligently, with a purpose, to organise people, in such a way, that a safe and productive society can exist. Private Ownership or Private Power, is fine, if it is balanced, in such a way that the mass of the population, is able to have safe, and happy lives. If Private Power, begins to destroy or prey upon the mass of people within the state, then you have a problem, that needs to be addressed, with curbs and regulations.

The problem is the 'Good King' conundrum. The height of Private Power, is the absolute Monarch. Such a person, may govern well or very badly. Likewise, any decisions, under any Governmental forms, are subject to the same basic problem, of only being as good, as the actual persons making the decisions. It doesn't matter what Governmental type there is.

The primary concern, of any Governmental type, is the selection of successors to the posts and positions, that are imbued with decision making Power.

In a morally correct Government, honesty, commonsense, and a non partisan attitude towards the governed citizens will be seen as most desirable attributes, in Office Holders.

Normally, Government's are riddled with Partisan ideologies, and special interest groups. Most notably, in the West, in the last fifty or so years, has been the rise to absolute dominance, of Corporate interest groups.

In the usual run of politics, ordinary Citizens can only hope, that some balance in the struggle between interest groups, will lead to policies, that are beneficial, or at least not harmful, to their daily lives.

But, in any situation, where one special interest group has gained dominance, the ordinary citizens always suffer, as policies that exploit them, in whole, or in larger part, are pushed through, without resistance.

As, the dominant special interest group realises it's strength, it's demands for privilege over all other citizens grows, until it has become in effect, the controller of a Fascist State.

With no check's and balances, it will seek out new enemies to subjugate abroad, new territories to conquer, ideologically, or in fact, militarily, and it will use its absolute power, to enforce it's own economy to transform to serve it's imperial designs.

And here we are, in todays world.

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