Real Writer Or Not?

Real or Not A Real Writer

A thought struck me whilst I sat here dreaming,
am I what I thought I was seeming?
For when is a Writer real or not?
For is it when they are steaming Hot?
Or when the Critics for their blood do bay?
Or is when they're bookshops  display?
So how does one know if ones real or not?
What is the Test? What is the Shot?
What Agency doth give it's Blessing.
Of Righteous Author, or one just Messing?
And what is a Fraud who a Writer is not?
Who are these dodgy Keyboard Jocks?
I wonder and I worry so.
Is this how people see me though?
And yet, what is a Writer now?
Is it a Formulaic Milch Cow?
That squirts forth Words in set refrain?
That gush unbidden from it's Brain?
And so I know not what I am, except I'm not a formulaic plan, or method maker of the Words,
That somehow I type on to sheards.
Another Bad Poem, by Tamara Wilding Feb2016

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