The Conquering Worm

The Conquering Worm

Jealous eyes do gaze, from furthest lands,
As Heroes march home, hand in hand.
And plans are made, to bring them low,
So Wine is spread, and Rights do grow.
And children come, into a luxurious World,
A World their told, is their Right to know.
And old Empire is, by jealous gardeners pruned,
For Hypocrisy for Truth is tuned,
And one Man's meat, another's poison is,
And gleeful Critics, keep their motives well hid.
And so old Empire's becomes another's toy,
And like so many a jealous boy, 'tis fought over fierce, and ruined and broke, 'til near all goodness itself is choked.
And Heirs to Empire stand amazed, as all they have now left is Graves, Memorial Plaques to times long past.
And all their Rights are fading fast,
As Wealth does Empire need in hoard,
But Wealth the Empire has lost to Fraud.

By Tamara Wilding Feb 2016
A bit sad.

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