The Evolution Question

All right, Science says the world is four or so, billion years old. The Scientists best estimate. Huge amounts of Scientific work has gone into establishing the Theory of Evolution.

The key aspect of this is that it takes millions of years for creatures to develop, especially the complicated creatures.

Okay, taking all that at face value, that means, Humanity, must have existed, in more or less tha same form we are now, for hundreds of thousands of years. After all, if big changes take millions of years, and its a gradual process, that means the current Human form, must have existed for hundreds of thousands of years.

Now, Carbon Dating, does not really support this, so is Carbon Dating wrong, or is the theory of Evolution on shaky ground? I would be more inclined to believe that Carbon Dating was erroneous, or perhaps subject to variable rates of change in carbon, over extreme time periods.

So, based on the assumption that Evolution is correct, that would lead me to assume, that Humanity had climbed the slippery pole of Civilization, many, many times, over the past million years or so, and that, disease, disaster, Ice Ages, other near extinction events, have kept knocking Humanity down, when it had got 'too big for its boots'.

Looking at the Mayan civilization, it is easy to imagine extinction events. Perhaps, Zike or a similiar virus reduced teh Mayan population below the level that could sustain city states, and the survivors in fear fled the diseased lands.

Looking at Human Politics, well, so many reasons there why Humanity would shoot itself down, time after time.

Have their been Nuclear Wars in the past?

Interestingly, the Enki myths describe at least one explosion that could be seen as Nuclear. Perhaps, high technology has existed in teh far distant past, and been lost, as hoarded secrets mouldered, and knowledgeable people died.

The millions of years of potential Human development could have held untold extremes of technological advancement and collapse.
Of course there is no way to know.

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